Monday 30 September 2013

Lawmakers react to federal government shutdown - The following is a round-up of reaction from lawmakers and others on Congress missing the midnight deadline to avert a government shutdown:House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio : "The House has made its position known very clearly. We believe we should fund the government and we think there ought to be basic fairness for all Americans under ObamaCare."Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. : "It is embarrassing that these people who are elected to represent the country are representing the Tea Party, the anarchists of the country, and the majority of the Republicans in the House are following every step of the way.

Government shuts down, will economy take a hit? -

Now What? Government shutdown to be felt across America - WASHINGTON – Millions of Americans are waking up Tuesday unsure about where their next paycheck will come from. Others will find their vacations to national parks cut short. Others still will find the frustration of the federal bureaucracy ... even more frustrating, with fewer federal workers around to handle their questions.Welcome to the government shutdown.Congress missed its midnight deadline to keep the government running, and now must cobble together a compromise.

Congress misses deadline, government set to partially shut down - Congress has missed a midnight deadline to pass a crucial spending bill, triggering the beginning of a partial government shutdown – the first in 17 years.Lawmakers breezed by the deadline after being unable to resolve their stand-off over ObamaCare, despite a volley of 11th-hour counterproposals from the House. Each time, Senate Democrats refused to consider any changes to ObamaCare as part of the budget bill.

Shutdown to begin as Congress remains deadlocked - With just over an hour till the midnight deadline of a government shutdown, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says that the Senate will not "go to conference until we get a clean CR'Federal government officials told agencies to begin executing plans for a partial government shutdown Monday as Congress failed to reach an agreement on a funding measure.In a memo to executive branch officers sent less than half an hour before a midnight deadline, Office of Management and Budget director Sylvia Burwell said there was no "clear indication" that Congress would reach an agreement to keep the government's lights on by 12:

UC Berkeley campus evacuated after explosion; injuries reported - DEVELOPING: A massive explosion that followed a power outage on the UC Berkeley campus resulted in several possible injuries and forced a campuswide evacuation Monday night.The explosion was reported near Sather Tower shortly before 7 p.m., reported. Witnesses described the blast as being a two-story fireball shooting into the air.A university spokesman told the Los Angeles Times that "a few" people suffered minor injuries in the explosion and that one victim was taken to the hospital.

Tampa Bay at Texas - 09/30/2013 | Gameday -

Convicted murderer marries fiancee after being sentenced to 53 years in prison - SAN DIEGO – The bride wore white; the groom wore shackles.The marriage of Danne Desbrow and his fiancee, Destiny, came just minutes after he was sentenced to 53 years-to-life in prison for first-degree murder, U-T San Diego reported Monday.San Diego Superior Court Judge Patricia Cookson officiated at both events. She even baked a cake for the Sept. 17 ceremony, the newspaper said.Cookson declined to respond to a request for comment from the newspaper.

Senate panel approves former First Daughter Caroline Kennedy as US ambassador to Japan - A Senate panel has approved the nomination of Caroline Kennedy to serve as U.S. ambassador to Japan.By voice vote on Monday, the Foreign Relations Committee endorsed President Obama's choice, the former first daughter who has promised to carry forward John F. Kennedy's legacy with humility.Caroline Kennedy helped propel Obama to the Democratic presidential nomination with her endorsement over Hillary Rodham Clinton, the only time she's endorsed a presidential candidate other than her uncle Ted in 1980.

At least 5 hikers trapped by Colorado rock slide - SALIDA, Colo. – Five hikers were trapped by a rock slide on a trail in south-central Colorado on Monday, and another was pulled out with injuries and flown to a hospital, authorities said.A seventh person was unaccounted for, the Chaffee County Sheriff's Department said.The slide occurred at about 11 a.m. on the trail to Agnes Vaille falls in the Pike and San Isabel National Forest, an easy day hike about a 2 1/2 hour drive southwest of Denver.

Twitter / HuffPostPol: BREAKING: Obama to speak on ... - Add a location to your TweetsWhen you tweet with a location, Twitter stores that location. You can switch location on/off before each Tweet and always have the option to delete your location history. Learn more

Senate approves bill to pay military during shutdown - Senate Democrats are vowing to reject House Republicans' last-minute bid to delay ObamaCare by attaching new amendments to a must-pass spending bill.But the Senate has accepted one Republican idea -- a bill that would pay the military in the event of a shutdown. The Senate easily approved the bill late Monday afternoon, as the government careened toward a possible shutdown.The House unanimously passed that bill early Sunday morning.

UN's massive new climate report adds little explanation for 'pause' in warming - An enormous U.N. report on the scientific data behind global warming was made available Monday, yet it offers little concrete explanation for an earthly oddity: the planet’s climate has hit the pause button.Since 1998, there has been no significant increase in global average surface temperature, and some areas -- notably the Northern Hemisphere -- have actually cooled. The 2,200-page new Technical Report attributes that to a combination of several factors, including natural variability, reduced heating from the sun and the ocean acting like a “heat sink” to suck up extra warmth in the atmosphere.

iOS 7 destroying your battery life? Here are 9 battery saving tips - iOS 7 draining your battery? Here are 9 ways you can save your phone's juice.1 Fetch is the new pushUnless you need constant updates, one way to save battery is by changing your email settings from push to fetch .Settings-->Mail, Contacts and Calendar-->Fetch .2 Location, location, locationIn this case, location isn't everything. Turn off the feature for apps that don't need access to your location.

Breaking News -

Senate rejects ObamaCare delay, bill to avert shutdown returns to House - The Senate voted Monday to reject a Republican-backed bid to delay ObamaCare as part of a crucial government spending package, sending the bill back to the House with just hours left on the clock until the government begins to shut down.Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, as expected, moved to kill two House amendments that would have delayed the health care law and repealed its unpopular medical device tax.

ObamaCare ‘glitch’ watch: Delay in launch of Spanish-language sites - The weeks leading up to open, online enrollment Tuesday for ObamaCare have been marked by a series of technical glitches – from Oregon where residents are being kept off the state’s insurance-shopping website to Washington, D.C., where a snag in the federal government’s software is delaying small businesses from making Internet-based purchases until November.The following is a round-up of the latest reports of problems ahead of the Tuesday launch:

Twitter / mviser: As expected, the Senate votes ... - @ mviser Or if we were to be as partisan as the # MSM the headline would be "Democratically controlled Senate votes to shutdown government"

Twitter / brianstelter: AMC: "Breaking Bad" finale ... - Keyboard ShortcutsKeyboard shortcuts are available for common actions and site navigation.

Gang of bikers attack driver in front of family after high-speed chase - An unidentified 30-year-old man was attacked in front of his wife and child in New York City after his vehicle reportedly was pursued by a gang of motorcyclists in a high-speed chase.It is not clear what started the altercation, but a video apparently taken by one of the bikers shows the gang surrounding the man’s Range Rover SUV on Manhattan’s West Side Highway Monday afternoon, the New York Post reports.

Congressional Strife Hits Stocks in Choppy Trade - FOX Business: Capitalism Lives HereWall Street took a thrashing on Monday amid swelling anxiety over the prospects of a government shutdown and renewed turmoil in Europe.Today's MarketsAs of 11:45 a.m. ET, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dipped 91.8 points, or 0.6%, to 15167, the S&P 500 dropped 7.6 points, or 0.45%, to 1684 and the Nasdaq Composite slumped 5.9 points, or 0.16%, to 3776.Over the weekend, the House amended a Senate-backed continuing resolution to keep the federal government funded through December 15, delay the enactment of ObamaCare by a year and repeal the medical device tax.

Netanyahu to Obama: Sanctions should stay in place - WASHINGTON (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is urging President Barack Obama not to let up on sanctions against Iran.Netanyahu says he appreciates U.S. sanctions on Iran in light of global concerns about its nuclear program. He says for diplomacy to work, quote, "those pressures must be kept in place."Netanyahu says Iran remains committed to Israel's destruction.Netanyahu spoke during an Oval Office meeting Monday with Obama.

Cubs Fire Manager Dale Sveum - (CBS) The Cubs have fired manager Dale Sveum, the team announced Monday morning.Sveum spent two seasons with the Cubs after being hired by president of baseball operations Theo Epstein. In his two seasons at the helm, Sveum compiled a record of 127-197.“Today, we made the very difficult decision to relieve Dale Sveum of his duties as Cubs manager,” Epstein said in a statement.“Dale has been a committed leader for this team the last two seasons, and I want to thank him for all of his dedication and hard work.

When clock strikes midnight, does the government really shut down? Maybe not - Washington is bracing for the clock to strike midnight, with a government shutdown expected if Congress cannot strike a budget deal -- but despite the frenzy, the government might not turn into a pumpkin right away.Everybody is talking about a midnight deadline, because that is the official time that all discretionary spending (which is the portion that Congress controls) halts as the federal government rolls over from fiscal 2013 to fiscal 2014 on Oct.

Justice Department to sue North Carolina over voter law - On Sept. 30, 2013, the Justice Department is expected to sue the state of North Carolina for alleged racial discrimination over tough new voting rules, the latest effort by the Obama administration to fight back against a Supreme Court decision that struck down the most powerful part of the landmark Voting Rights Act and freed southern states from strict federal oversight of their elections.North Carolina has a new law scaling back the period for early voting and imposing stringent voter identification requirements.

Marine Corps generals forced to retire over breach at Afghan base - The Marine Corps' top leader has forced two two-star generals to retire for what he called their failure to secure a base in Afghanistan attacked by the Taliban last year, killing two Marines and destroying several aircraft.The commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. James Amos, said Monday he took the action after reviewing the findings of a four-month investigation by the U.S. Central Command. Fifteen Taliban fighters penetrated Camp Bastion in southwestern Afghanistan in a September 2012 attack that was one of the most brazen of the war.

Tourists would be shut out from national parks, monuments if government shuts down - As the federal government readies for a possible shutdown, the National Park Service is preparing to put a closed sign around America’s national treasures.The National Park Services’ contingency plan states in the event of a shutdown all activities at the parks, except for necessary emergency services, would be immediately suspended and the parks would be closed indefinitely.Not only would the public be unable to enter the parks, visitors currently camping or staying in a national park would be ordered to leave within two days and all roads leading to the parks would be closed.

President Obama delivers statement -

NYC's yearly cost per inmate almost as expensive as Ivy League tuition - NEW YORK – New York is indeed an expensive place, but experts say that alone doesn't explain a recent report that found the city's annual cost per inmate was $167,731 last year — nearly as much as it costs to pay for four years of tuition at an Ivy League university.They say a big part of it is due to New York's most notorious lockup, Rikers Island, and the costs that go along with staffing, maintaining and securing a facility that is literally an island unto itself.

Rail Union Update on CTA Collision - strives to bring you up-to-date video during breaking news situations.We've turned on our livestreaming player so that you can follow along with our reporters and anchors during major events, news conferences, breaking news situations and more.The player above is a multiplatform tool. You can watch on your laptop at home, your computer at work and even your mobile phone

'Breaking Bad' finale doesn't shock more than past episodes as Walter White's story concludes - Any "Breaking Bad " fan could be forgiven for concluding that Sunday's finale held no major surprises.That's because this AMC drama series has delivered surprises, shock and OMG moments dependably since its premiere five seasons ago.Just like it did on its final episode.For those who don't want to be reading how yet, stop reading! And let's take a few moments for you who aren't ready to find out what happened to tear your eyes away from this article.

Senate Dems could approve bill to pay military during shutdown - Senate Democrats are vowing to reject House Republicans' last-minute bid to delay ObamaCare by attaching an amendment to a must-pass spending bill.But a senior Senate Democratic source tells Fox News that Senate leaders will try to swiftly approve a separate House-passed bill that would pay the military in the event of a shutdown.The House unanimously passed that bill early Sunday morning. The bill would ensure that active-duty military -- as well as some civilians and Defense contractors -- get paid even if there's a shutdown.

Government study measures the risk of crash for clunkers - The older a car is, the more likely its driver will die in a crash, says a new research paper from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.It’s always reassuring when scientists prove the obvious, in this case that a brand-new car is safer than an old rust-bucket. But what’s not obvious at all, in this case, is how much more extra risk you take on with older-generation cars. It turns out that a driver of a car 18 or more years old is 71 percent more likely to die in a bad crash than the driver of a car three years old or newer.

CTA train crash, Sept. 30, 2013 -

US police obtaining military vehicles to aid hunt for criminals - Don’t mess with Texas has assumed a whole new meaning in Dallas.The Dallas County Sheriff’s Office traveled to Fort Hood this month to acquire its own bona fide military vehicle – the International MaxxPro MRAP tactical vehicle -- courtesy of a Department of Defense surplus program.According to The Dallas Observer, the sheriff’s office obtained the 19-ton, diesel-operated behemoth with bullet-proof doors and tires, designed by Navistar Defense.

If the US government shuts down, who’s at fault? - If the US government shuts down, who’s at fault? | Fox NationYour Display Name is unavailable. {* #postLoginForm1 *} {*postLogin_displayName *}{* postLogin_acceptButton *} {* /postLoginForm1 *}

Budget showdown a test of wills as shutdown deadline comes into view - With nothing less than the operation of government on the line, the battle in Congress over ObamaCare is shaping into a test of wills as lawmakers face a midnight deadline to resolve their differences or turn out the lights.For the moment, the ball is in Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's court. The House, early Sunday morning, approved a bill that would fund the government past Monday while delaying ObamaCare by a year.

Reid rigid as deadline looms - **Want FOX News First in your inbox every day? Sign up here .**Buzz Cut:• Reid rigid as deadline looms• User’s guide to a shutdown• Politicians get paid anyway• Clintons pull out stops for McAuliffe• Does anybody else hear Bing Crosby?REID RIGID AS SHUTDOWN LOOMS - It’s been a day and a half since House Republicans passed their latest counteroffer for keeping the government open when the clock hits midnight.

Stock Futures Tumble as Fiscal Uncertainty Mounts - FOX Business: Capitalism Lives HereU.S. stock-index futures took a beating as Congress remains deadlocked in negotiations to stave off a government shutdown and political turmoil once again flared up in Europe.Today's MarketsAs of 8:20 a.m. ET, Dow Jones Industrial Average futures tumbled 132 points to 15063, S&P 500 futures dropped 14.8 points to 1671 and Nasdaq 100 futures slumped 25.3 points to 3198.

'Breaking Bad' finale doesn't shock more than past episodes as Walter White's story concludes - Any "Breaking Bad " fan could be forgiven for concluding that Sunday's finale held no major surprises.That's because this AMC drama series has delivered surprises, shock and OMG moments dependably since its premiere five seasons ago.Just like it did on its final episode.For those who don't want to be reading how yet, stop reading! And let's take a few moments for you who aren't ready to find out what happened to tear your eyes away from this article.

Popes John Paul II, John XXIII to be declared saints in April - VATICAN CITY – Popes John Paul II and John XXIII will be declared saints on April 27, 2014.Pope Francis announced the date Monday during a meeting with cardinals inside the Apostolic Palace.Francis had announced in July he would canonize two of the 20th century's most influential popes together, approving a miracle attributed to John Paul's intercession and bending Vatican rules by deciding that John XXIII didn't need one.

Government by Gridlock: Why some want a shutdown - Just before I walked into the studio for “MediaBuzz” yesterday, I bumped into Ted Cruz, who wanted to make a point about the way he was being covered.He loved being mocked by Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, the senator said, and not just because he thought the sound bites were funny. It was because they played clips showing him attacking ObamaCare, and therefore got his message out to people who don’t watch “Meet the Press” or Fox News, which he was also on yesterday.

Baghdad hit by wave of deadly car bombs - A series of car bomb blasts in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, has killed at least 36 people and injured more than 100, officials say.Police say the blasts targeted markets and car parks in mainly Shia Muslim districts of the city.There has been a recent upsurge in sectarian violence, sparking fears of a return to the bloodletting of 2008.Between 4,000 and 5,000 people are estimated to have been killed so far this year.

News: It’s China vs. China in Genetically Modified Food Fight Buffer Mode 2008 - It’s China vs. China in Genetically Modified Food FightChina’s fierce public debate on genetically modified food, long a political hot potato in a country obsessed with how to feed its 1.3 billion citizens, has become the subject of a spat between big guns from two of its most powerful governing institutions.Two weeks ago, a major-general in the People’s Liberation Army took to a popular newspaper to publish (in Chinese) a series of pointed rhetorical questions about Beijing’s policy allowing more trade in genetically modified grains, suggesting that genetically modified organisms, or GMO, are a strategy by which a Western conspiracy to supplant China’s food security is taking shape.

Iraqi officials: Car bomb kills 7 in Baghdad - BAGHDAD (AP) — Officials say a car bomb explosion in a Shiite neighborhood in Baghdad has killed at least seven people and wounded 14.A police officer says the car bomb went off on Monday morning in the city's eastern Sadr City neighborhood. The explosion tore through a small vegetable market and its parking lot.A medical official confirmed the causality figures. Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to talk to media.

Sunday 29 September 2013

M6.7 - 81km NE of L'Esperance Rock, New Zealand 2013-09-30 05:55:54 UTC - cap (Preferred) (US) CAP Alert usb000k2h2cap (AT) CAP Alert at00mtwzi7cap (PT) CAP Alert pt13273000dyfi (Preferred) (US) DYFI City Map usb000k2h2losspager (Preferred) (US) Exposure Map usb000k2h2losspager (Preferred) (US) onePAGER summary usb000k2h2losspager (Preferred) (US) PAGER XML results usb000k2h2losspager (Preferred) (US) PAGER Exposure KML usb000k2h2origin (Preferred) (US) Earthquake XML (Quakeml) usb000k2h2origin (AT) Earthquake XML (EQXML) at00mtwzi7phase-data (Preferred) (US) Earthquake XML (Quakeml) usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) XML Grids usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) Rock Grid usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) Uncertainty Grid usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) Text Grids usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) KML File usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) Contour KMZ File usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) Epicenter KMZ File usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) Fault KMZ File usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) Intensity Overlay KMZ File usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) Stations KMZ File usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) GIS Files usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) HAZUS Data usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) ESRI Raster Files usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) Station Lists usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) Metadata usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) Supplemental Information usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) TV Info Sheet usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) Intensity Thumbnail usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) Intensity Map usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) PGA Map usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) PGV Map usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) PSA03 Map usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) PSA10 Map usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) PSA30 Map usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) TV Map usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) Bare TV Map usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) Uncertainty Map usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) Intensity Contours usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) PGA Contours usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) PGV Contours usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) PSA03 Contours usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) PSA10 Contours usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) PSA30 Contours usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) Intensity Contours (JSON) usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) PGA Contours (JSON) usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) PGV Contours (JSON) usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) PSA03 Contours (JSON) usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) PSA10 Contours (JSON) usb000k2h2shakemap (Preferred) (US) PSA30 Contours (JSON) usb000k2h2The use of EQXML formatted data is temporary.

Small plane in 'unsurvivable' crash after landing at Calif. airport - A small jet that took off from Idaho ran off the runway and into a storage hangar at a Southern California airport on Sunday night, causing the hangar to collapse in flames around it, officials said.Firefighters were still contending hours later with the smoldering ruins of the building and the plane at Santa Monica Municipal Airport, and had yet to determine how many people were inside the jet, but it was unlikely anyone was alive inside.

Amanda Knox retrial begins Monday in Italy - The retrial of American student Amanda Knox and her Italian ex-boyfriend for the 2007 murder of a British student will begin Monday in Florence, the latest chapter in a lengthy and complicated legal saga.Knox has repeatedly denied playing any role in the death of Meredith Kercher, who was found with her throat cut in the house the two women shared when both were exchange students studying in Perugia, Italy.

Car Bomb Kills 33 in Northwest Pakistan - A car bomb exploded on a crowded street in northwestern Pakistan Sunday, killing 33 people in the third blast to hit the troubled city of Peshawar in a week, officials said.The latest explosion appeared to have been a bomb planted in a parked car and detonated by remote control, said police officer Zahid Khan. It went off in a crowded market that is the city's oldest bazaar near a mosque and a police station, officials said.

U.S. Justice Department suit aims to stop NC voter ID law - commentsBy Steve Harrison and Anne Blythe The Charlotte Observer Modified: Sunday, Sep. 29, 2013The U.S. Department of Justice will file a lawsuit Monday to stop North Carolina’s new voter ID law, which critics have said is the most sweeping law of its kind, according to a person briefed on the department’s plans.Attorney General Eric Holder, who has said he will fight state voting laws that he sees as discriminatory, will announce the lawsuit at noon Monday, along with the three U.

Justice Department To Sue North Carolina Over Voter ID Law - The Justice Department is preparing to sue North Carolina over that state's restrictive new voting law Monday. The lawsuit takes aim at provisions that limit early voting periods and require government photo ID as an illegal form of discrimination against minorities at the ballot box, according to a person briefed on the Justice Department's plans.Federal authorities are expected to challenge four parts of the state law, passed soon after the Supreme Court in June invalidated a key part of the landmark 1965 Voting Rights Act .

Justice Department to sue North Carolina over voter law - The Justice Department will announce Monday that it is suing the state of North Carolina for alleged racial discrimination over tough new voting rules.A person briefed on the department's plans told Fox News that the suit would claim that the North Carolina statute violated Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act and would seek to have the state subject to federal pre-clearance before making "future voting-related changes.


Cheerleading squad issued $140 ticket for performing on street before game - A Canadian cheerleading squad has reportedly been labeled as a “nuisance” by police, who slapped the group with a $140 fine for performing on the side of the road while heading to their school’s homecoming football game.Western University Mustangs head coach David-Lee Tracey told the Toronto Star that the school’s cheerleading team stopped on a street in London, Ont., on Saturday ahead of the game against Queen University to perform a cheer for students wearing Western’s purple colors.

With shutdown just hours away, Republicans say Democrat-led Senate a no-show - The countdown to a government shutdown is now marked by hours as the Senate prepares to return Monday afternoon to decide before midnight whether to accept the Republican House’s weekend spending-bill offer, make a counter-proposal or let the clock expire.House Republican leaders on Sunday chided Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and others in the Democrat-led chamber for not hustling back to Capitol Hill to negotiate, after the lower chamber early Sunday morning passed its proposal, which includes a one-year delay on ObamaCare.

Congressional ping pong between House and Senate -

Congress approves new envoy as faith attacks rise abroad -

Cruz's marathon speech was a sideshow? -

Marlins' pitcher Alvarez throws no-hitter against Tigers - MIAMI – Henderson Alvarez pitched one of baseball's most bizarre no-hitters, celebrating in the on-deck circle when the Miami Marlins scored on a two-out wild pitch in the bottom of the ninth inning to beat the AL Central champion Detroit Tigers 1-0 Sunday.After Alvarez finished off the ninth with the game scoreless, he had to wait to see if it would become an official no-hitter. A Major League Baseball ruling in 1991 said only complete games of nine or more innings with no hits would count.

US police obtaining military vehicles to aid hunt for criminals - Don’t mess with Texas has assumed a whole new meaning in Dallas.The Dallas County Sheriff’s Office traveled to Fort Hood this month to acquire its own bona fide military vehicle – the International MaxxPro MRAP tactical vehicle -- courtesy of a Department of Defense surplus program.According to The Dallas Observer, the sheriff’s office obtained the 19-ton, diesel-operated behemoth with bullet-proof doors and tires, designed by Navistar Defense.

University of Southern California -

Beloved guide dog dies while saving 4-year-old boy - An Atlanta guide dog has reportedly traded his life to save a 4-year-old boy.WXIA-TV reports Simon, an 80-pound boxer, heroically pushed Will Furukawa out of the way of an oncoming vehicle this week after the car ran a stop sign while the boy was trying to cross the street with his father.Simon was, instead, struck and later succumbed to his injuries, according to the station.[pullquote}"What people have said is that Simon either got up or jumped out, and pushed my son out of the path of the car," Dave Furukawa, Will’s father, told the station.

MIT, Harvard scientists accidentally create real-life lightsaber - The force is clearly with them.In a reported first, researchers at Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a newfangled technology that theoretically could be used to construct an actual lightsaber.Until now, photons, or the mass-less particles that constitute light, were thought to not interact, but rather simply pass through each other, just two beams of luminescence during a laser-light show.

Netanyahu: 'Going to tell the truth' -

Twitter / SportsCenter: BREAKING: Marlins P Henderson ... - Keyboard ShortcutsKeyboard shortcuts are available for common actions and site navigation.

Social Media Tracking Tool -

Suspected Islamist militants kill dozens of students in attack on Nigerian college - Fox News - POTISKUM, Nigeria – Suspected Islamic extremists attacked an agricultural college in the dead of night, gunning down dozens of students as they slept in dormitories and torching classrooms, the school's provost said of an ongoing northeastern Nigeria's ongoing Islamic uprising.As many as 50 students may have been killed in the assault that began at about 1 a.m. Sunday in rural Gujba, Provost Molima Idi Mato of Yobe State College of Agriculture, told The Associated Press.

Un-dead on arrival: Florida store devoted to all things zombie - In a town known for Mickey Mouse, this is a first.A scant 14-or-so miles from Disney World, an Orlando entrepreneur has opened what is likely only the nation’s second store devoted to killing zombies.The Orlando Sentinel reports the Zombie Survival Store opened in April, and has since been doing brisk business hawking, among other things, gas masks, boots, camouflage clothing, backpacks, ready-to-eat meals and machetes.

Iran open to talks with US on nuclear program, foreign minister says - Iran's foreign minister says his country is open to negotiating about its top-secret nuclear program, including possible inspections, but that the United States must “dismantle its illegal sanctions.”Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif's remarks follow a 17-minute phone conversation Friday between President Obama and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, ending a three-decade freeze following the 1979 storming of the U.

Closing ranks: Navy brother, sister reunited after 30-year separation - They were separated as children more than 30 years ago, but Navy Cmdr. Cindy Murray and Navy Chief Aviation Ordnanceman Robert Williamson were reunited in unlikely fashion Friday in Balboa Park, San Diego.Channel 10 NEWS reported that with a “quick salute and a long hug [the brother and sister] closed the gap on more than 30 years.”"It's the greatest thing. I looked for him for the longest time and now here he is and it's just great," Murray, a senior nursing officer at Naval Medical Center San Diego, told 10 NEWS.

Death toll hits 29 in Indonesia boat sinking - JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) -- The death toll in the sinking of a boat carrying asylum seekers off Indonesia's coast rose to 29 on Sunday, with dozens more believed to still be missing, an official said.The boat, believed to be carrying about 100 people, capsized Friday off West Java's Sukabumi district after being hit by high waves.Rescuers found eight bodies in three separate places Sunday, said Capt.

Nigeria: Militants kill students in college attack - POTISKUM, Nigeria (AP) -- Suspected Islamic extremists attacked an agricultural college in the dead of night, gunning down dozens of students as they slept in dormitories and torching classrooms, the school's provost said of an ongoing northeastern Nigeria's ongoing Islamic uprising.As many as 50 students may have been killed in the assault that began at about 1 a.m. Sunday in rural Gujba, Provost Molima Idi Mato of Yobe State College of Agriculture, told The Associated Press.

Panel Plus: 9/29 - DescriptionWatch the ‘FOX News Sunday' panel, Brit Hume, Evan Bayh, Kim Strassel and Juan Williams, as they discuss America’s tolerance for war

Twitter / AFP: BREAKING Hunger-striking Pussy ... - Keyboard ShortcutsKeyboard shortcuts are available for common actions and site navigation.

House leadership says it still has options to avoid government shutdown - A House Republican leader said Sunday the chamber has several last-minute options to avoid a government shutdown should the Senate reject a temporary spending bill the House passed early Sunday morning that includes a one-year delay for ObamaCare.House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy stuck with House leadership’s insistence that its proposal can indeed pass in the Democrat-controlled Senate, but acknowledged having an alternative plan.

Twitter / AP: BREAKING: Official says an ... - Keyboard ShortcutsKeyboard shortcuts are available for common actions and site navigation.

The Crazy Way I Got Employers’ to Notice and Hire Me - After six months of sending the traditional cover letter and resume didn’t yield any job opportunities, Matthew Epstein decided to get a little more personal with his job-hunting tactics and sent a cardboard cutout of himself in his underwear to prospective employers.The 26-year old sent five life-size cardboard figures to Google’s ( GOOG ) headquarters a little over a year ago, and the cutouts had information directing the web giant to his website, Googlepleasehire.

Congress approves creation of new envoy as religious attacks rise globally - In a rare non-partisan move, the U.S. House of Representatives has voted overwhelmingly in favor of the creation of a special envoy for religious freedom in South Central Asia and the Middle East.The legislation – drafted by Reps. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) and Frank Wolf (R-Va.) – was approved with 402 votes in favor and 21 Republicans and one Democrat against.The bill, if approved by the Senate, would create a special office within the State Department for an envoy who could become an advocate for religious minorities.

USC Head Football Coach Lane Kiffin Terminated - Sept. 29, 2013Lane Kiffin has been relieved of his duties as USC's head football coach, Trojan athletic director Pat Haden announced early today (Sept. 29).Haden informed Kiffin of his termination upon the team charter's arrival back in Los Angeles early Sunday morning following USC's 62-41 loss at Arizona State.Kiffin's Trojans have lost 7 of their past 11 games. USC is 3-2 this year and has lost both of its Pac-12 games.

Breaking and Latest World News Buffer Mode 2008 - B. McPhersonGreenpeace activists arrested in their attempt to board an oil exploration platform in the waters of the Arctic have been declared non-pirates. This has brought some relief to the environmental activists. ... .moreB.McPherson: Coca Cola Execs are busy recalling their vitamin water bottles from Canadian store shelves. In a bright advertising scheme to help promote their product,........

Saturday 28 September 2013

Father of murdered Dodgers fan to ask Giants fans for evidence - SAN FRANCISCO – The father of a Dodgers fan fatally stabbed Wednesday during a melee following a Giants baseball game is planning to make a public plea for witnesses after San Francisco's district attorney said he lacks evidence to charge a suspect who has been released.A family member said the victim's father plans to speak outside the Giants' stadium at noon before the scheduled 1:05 p.m. PDT Sunday game with the San Diego Padres.

House votes to keep government open, delay ObamaCare by 1 year - House Republicans voted early Sunday morning in favor of a temporary spending bill that includes a one-year delay for ObamaCare, a move almost guaranteed to shut down the government Monday night.The Republican-led House passed the proposal 231-192 in one of two amendments attached to a Senate spending bill passed Friday night.The lower chamber also passed an amendment 248-174 to repeal the health-care law’s medical-device tax and voted 423-0 to approve a bill to pay the military on time should a temporary shutdown occur, in a series of votes that started shortly before midnight.

House votes to avoid shutdown, delay Obamacare - WASHINGTON (AP) — The Republican-run House has voted to avoid a partial government shutdown next week but also delay President Barack Obama's health care law.Because of that condition, the White House has promised the overall legislation will be vetoed. That means the two sides are edging closer to a shutdown of many federal services Tuesday morning, with no obvious solution in sight.The House sent the legislation to the Democratic-run Senate early Sunday by 231-192.

More than 30 still missing after Australia-bound refugee boat sank-police - JAKARTA, Sept 29 (Reuters) - More than 30 people were still missing two days after a boat carrying asylum seekers to Australia sank off the Indonesian coast, killing 22 people including seven children, Indonesian security officials said on Sunday.The latest disaster to strike refugees using Indonesia's southern coast to try to make the perilous crossing suggests Australia's tough new immigration rules may not be enough to deter asylum seekers.

Oklahoma senator calls out Congress for blowing money on 'fruity' grants - One Washington lawmaker says the fiscal fight in DC needs to be refocused on millions of dollars being blown on new government grants that include everything from spending on social media for apples, Christmas tree initiatives and a YouTube video promoting the proper handling of watermelons. And that’s just this week alone.“Lost in the back and forth this week regarding whether or not to shut down the government over ObamaCare was a real debate about all the other things that this bill will fund,” Sen.

Chicago-area cops take over still-unsolved investigation into 1982 Tylenol poisonings - CHICAGO – The unsolved investigation into the deaths of seven people who swallowed cyanide-laced Tylenol is returning to where it started more than 30 years ago, as a group of Illinois law enforcement agencies said Friday that the FBI will no longer lead the probe.Police in Arlington Heights — where three of the victims died — announced in a news release that a task force made up of their department along with the Illinois State Police and police departments in Chicago, Elk Grove Village, Lombard, Schaumburg and Winfield will run the investigation.

Professors chide University of Kansas for sanctions over tweet - LAWRENCE, Kan. – University of Kansas anthropology professors are accusing school officials of violating the constitutional rights of a fellow professor by placing him on leave because of a post on Twitter.Journalism professor David Guth got into hot water for a tweet aimed at the National Rifle Association after the Sept. 16 shootings at the Navy Yard in Washington, D.C., that left 13 dead."The blood is on the hands of the (hash)NRA.

Chill sets in at Alaska-based federal agency after one boss asks DC to shut it down - A tiny, federally-funded agency based in Anchorage is fighting for survival, and its biggest enemy may be within.The Denali Commission, an economic development authority set up with earmarks obtained by the late Sen. Ted Stevens, came onto the radar of budget hawks in Washington when its own inspector general wrote lawmakers to tell them they were wasting taxpayers' money."At this point, I recommend that Congress no longer send Denali an annual “base” appropriation," Denali Inspector General Mike Marsh wrote in a a June 23 letter to House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif.

A $100 bill that’s worth more than $100? -

Gorgeous Aishwarya Rai at The Park Launch Latest Photos Buffer Mode 2008 - 39 years old Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai looking gorgeous in black gown at Launch party of Masterplan District The Park.

Top nuclear sub official suspended amid probe - WASHINGTON – The No. 2 officer at the military command in charge of all U.S. nuclear war-fighting forces has been suspended and is under investigation by the Naval Criminal Investigation Command, officials said Saturday.The highly unusual action against a high-ranking officer at U.S. Strategic Command was made more than three weeks ago but not publicly announced.Air Force Gen. Robert Kehler, the commander of Strategic Command, suspended the deputy commander, Navy Vice Adm.

Heavy rain, high winds hit region; thousands without power - PORTLAND, Ore. – Heavy rain and high winds knocked out power to thousands in Portland and throughout the Willamette Valley Saturday afternoon.Portland General Electric reported thousands of homes without power in Marion, Multnomah and Clackamas counties.KATU meteorologists say the expected amount of rain this weekend will likely break some records.A wind advisory will be in effect for the Willamette Valley from 3 to 8 p.

Here comes ObamaCare -

Confederate flag dispute inspires dueling rallies in Va. - RICHMOND, Virginia – It will be flag versus flag Saturday near the former capital of the Confederacy, as a heritage group promises to hoist a Confederate battle flag up a 50-foot pole along Interstate 95 and opponents will respond with the Stars and Stripes.A group called Virginia Flaggers is scheduled to fly the 10-by-15-foot Confederate flag on private property south of Richmond at a location that has yet to be disclosed.

Does America need more politicians with Sen. Cruz's passion? - You're watching...AdvertisementDescriptionTexas senator blasted by both sides of the aisle for ObamaCare fightDateSep 28, 2013DurationShowPersonalitiesAdam Lashinsky , Dagen McDowell , Neil CavutoGuestsBen Stein, Charles Payne, Dagen Mcdowell, Adam Lashinsky

Syrian rebels face growing threat from foreign jihadists - JARABULUS, Syria – The man’s face was badly mangled and he was unconscious when fellow Syrian rebels brought him on a gurney from the outskirts of this small village across the border to the neighboring Turkish town Karkamis.His name and prognosis were not clear, but what was known was that he was a casualty of his own comrades - a victim of the infighting among Syrian rebel groups which is also taking a bloody toll on refugees displaced by the more than two-year-old civil war.

Colombian Prison Knows No Age Limit For Beauty Pageant - Bogotá, Colombia – Age is not an obstacle to a beauty queen crown in Bogotá's Buen Pastor prison.Maria Cristina Villareal, 56, was among six women competing Friday in this year's pageant for the title of "Reina Madre" or "Queen Mother." There is a separate category for unmarried women.The 2,222-inmate women's prison in Colombia's capital has hosted pageants for 18 years, with TV and musical celebrities serving as judges.

House Republicans' new spending bill calls for 1-year delay on ObamaCare - House Republicans emerged from behind closed doors Saturday with a new temporary spending bill that calls for a one-year delay in ObamaCare and a repeal of the law's medical-device tax.The plan appears almost assured of being rejected by the Democrat-controlled Senate and forcing a temporary government shutdown Monday night. But leaders of the Republican-led House struck a defiant tone upon emerging from the one-hour meeting.

Man Falls on Train Tracks After a Few Drinks - After celebrating passing the exam to become a doctor, a Boston man stumbles onto train tracks and is luckily saved by people in the crowd

Asylum seekers drown on way to Australia - At least 22 people, mostly children, are confirmed drowned after the boat, which was believed to be carrying about 120 passengers, sank in rough seas on Friday off the coast of Java.One of the passengers, a Lebanese man, had reportedly lost his pregnant wife and eight children in the disaster.Just 25 of those aboard had been rescued before efforts to locate survivors were postponed last night due to failing light.

Syrian rebels face growing threat from foreign jihadists - JARABULUS, Syria – The man’s face was badly mangled and he was unconscious when fellow Syrian rebels brought him on a gurney from the outskirts of this small village across the border to the neighboring Turkish town Karkamis.His name and prognosis were not clear, but what was known was that he was a casualty of his own comrades - a victim of the infighting among Syrian rebel groups which is also taking a bloody toll on refugees displaced by the more than two-year-old civil war.

Radio problems cited in deaths of 19 Arizona firefighters - PRESCOTT, Ariz. – An investigation into the June deaths of 19 firefighters killed while battling an Arizona blaze has found a litany of problems stemming from inadequate radio communication.The report by a team of fire experts cites improperly programmed radios, vague updates, and a 3minute communication blackout just before the flames engulfed the men.The report says at the moment the firefighters were killed, an air tanker carrying fire retardant was hovering overhead, waiting for an update about their location.

Pastor shot, killed during Louisiana church service - LAKE CHARLES, La. – A Louisiana pastor has been shot and killed during a nighttime revival service, and authorities say a suspect has been arrested.Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Kim Myers says the shooting occurred about 8:20 p.m. Friday at Tabernacle of Praise Worship Center in Lake Charles.Myers says a gunman walked into the church and shot Pastor Ronald J. Harris Sr. "as he was preaching.

Yarnell Hill Serious Accident Investigation Report - Google Drive -

Kenya blasts US over updated travel warning - NAIROBI, Kenya – Kenya has sharply criticized a decision by the United States to issue an updated travel advisory for the country in the wake of the deadly attack on an upscale mall in the capital Nairobi.A statement issued by Kenya's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Saturday condemned the travel warning, saying it is "unnecessary and uncalled for."The U.S. State Department released the updated advisory on Friday that made reference to the September 21 terrorist attack on the Westgate Mall in Nairobi that left at least 67 people dead, including several foreigners.

Pastor shot, killed during Louisiana church service - LAKE CHARLES, La. – A Louisiana pastor has been shot and killed during a nighttime revival service, and authorities say a suspect has been arrested.Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Kim Myers says the shooting occurred about 8:20 p.m. Friday at Tabernacle of Praise Worship Center in Lake Charles.Myers says a gunman walked into the church and shot Pastor Ronald J. Harris Sr. "as he was preaching.

N.S.A. Examines Social Networks of U.S. Citizens - WASHINGTON — Since 2010, the National Security Agency has been exploiting its huge collections of data to create sophisticated graphs of some Americans’ social connections that can identify their associates, their locations at certain times, their traveling companions and other personal information, according to newly disclosed documents and interviews with officials.The spy agency began allowing the analysis of phone call and e-mail logs in November 2010 to examine Americans’ networks of associations for foreign intelligence purposes after N.

Government shutdown showdown shifts back to House. Now what? -

Feeling ObamaCare side effects? - Administration officials say ObamaCare is ready for its close-up, with enrollment in the newly created insurance “exchanges” set to start on Tuesday.But the road to the launch has been littered with glitches and setbacks, and in all likelihood the confusion is not over yet. Setting aside the brawl in Congress over the push to defund the law, the sheer task of roughly 16 million Americans selecting a plan from hundreds of options in the coming months is poised to create a national headache.

Dozens killed as Nigeria boat sinks - Boat sinks on River Niger in central Nigeria, leaving at least 42 people dead and 100 more missing, officials sayMore to follow.

Police seek public's help in search for missing 12-year-old Texas girl - Police are asking the public for any information regarding a missing 12-year-old who was last seen Thursday morning at her Texas school.Adrienne Solorzano was last seen leaving her portable classroom at Bradenburg Middle School in Garland, Texas to meet her father and a teacher to discuss recent grades in the main school building, reports.Police say Solorzano never made it to the building and surveillance cameras at the school’s entrances and exits do not show her.

5 dead in fiery crash in Southern California - BURBANK, Calif. – Police say five people have died after a car spun out and burst into flames, trapping some of those inside early Saturday morning.Burbank Police Sgt. Darin Ryburn told KNBC-TV police were called out just after 4 a.m. about a Nissan Sentra fully engulfed in flames.Police say one woman was taken to Los Angeles County USC Medical Center.

US airman surprises son at high school football game -

Protests greet Iranian president after historic conversation with Obama - A shoe was thrown at Iranian President Hassan Rouhani's motorcade Saturday as he arrived home to a mixed reception after his historic call with Barack Obama, an AFP correspondent reported.Iranian newspapers hailed the first contact with a US president in more than three decades as the ending of a long taboo.But his 15-minute conversation with the leader of a country long derided as the "Great Satan" was too much for some hardliners.

Dodger fan stabbing suspect released from San Francisco jail - SAN FRANCISCO – The man suspected in the stabbing death of a Los Angeles Dodgers fan after a Dodgers-Giants game in San Francisco has been released from jail as prosecutors seek more evidence from before deciding whether to file charges, authorities said.Michael Montgomery, 21, of Lodi was released shortly after 9 p.m. pending further investigation and could be rearrested, Sheriff's Department spokeswoman Susan Fahey said.

Army doctors performed CPR on pilot after he suffered heart attack mid-flight - BOISE, Idaho – A United Airlines pilot died after suffering a major heart attack while flying from Houston to Seattle, forcing crew members to make an emergency landing in Idaho while two doctors on board did CPR in the first-class cabin.Pilot Henry Skillern, 63, of Humble, Texas, was still alive when firefighters and paramedics ran to his aid Thursday night on the Boise Airport tarmack. He died a short time later while being treated at Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center, spokeswoman Jennifer Krajnik said.

Machine gun found in closet at JFK airport in New York, report says - A contractor running cables inside a terminal at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York found a Mac-11 subcompact machine pistol Thursday morning inside a secure closet, The Daily News reported.The gun, which is capable of discharging 32-round magazines in less than two seconds, was in a plastic case and officials are determining if the gun is operable, the report said. The gun, which was located inside Terminal One, which handles international flights, could have been there for years.

Clashes as Iranian President Returns to Tehran - TEHRAN — Hard-line protesters hurled eggs and a shoe at President Hassan Rouhani of Iran as he returned to Tehran on Saturday after supporters cheered him for reaching out to President Obama.Mr. Rouhani was standing in his car, waving through the sunroof as he passed supporters at the airport. But moments later, security guards tried to shield the president with an umbrella as protesters threw eggs and a shoe at his car while others blocked the road by praying on the pavement.

Obama speaks with Iranian president, says nuclear deal possible - President Obama and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani thawed a three-decade freeze in relations between their two countries Friday, speaking by phone in the first conversation between an American and Iranian president since 1979.The president revealed Friday afternoon that the two leaders had spoken. He said he believes the two countries can reach a “comprehensive solution” on Iran’s nuclear program, and said he and Rouhani had both directed their diplomats to pursue an agreement.

German Village Evacuated After Gas Explosion - Police are evacuating an entire village in central Germany after a fire at a gas company led to an explosion that injured 16 firefighters.Police spokesman Markus Sicius said an explosion of two gas tanks early Saturday in Harthausen near Ludwigshafen led to the evacuation of some 3,000 residents after the firefighters were injured.The fire on the grounds of a gas company was first reported at 4:20 a.

World War II airman missing since 1944 to be buried with full military honors - SALT LAKE CITY – Only a sole surviving sibling has a distant memory of a World War II pilot whose recently identified remains will be buried Saturday with full military honors in Utah.U.S. Air Force 2nd Lt. Vernal J. Bird had more than a dozen brothers and sisters when he crashed over a Pacific Ocean island nearly 70 years ago. He disappeared over Papua New Guinea on a 1944 bombing run of Japanese airfields there.

Obama administration to allocate $45M for cops in schools - The Obama administration plans to spend millions of dollars to place armed police officers in schools throughout the country in a move advocated by the National Rifle Association in the wake of last December's shooting massacre in Newtown, Conn.The Department of Justice announced Friday it's giving nearly $45 million to fund 356 new school resource officer positions. Funding will be provided by grants from the department's Community Oriented Policing Services, or COPS, office.

New massive earthquake rocks southwest Pakistan - ISLAMABAD – Officials say a major earthquake of 6.8 magnitude or larger has hit southwest Pakistan, less than a week after a massive temblor in the same region killed at least 359 people.The U.S. Geological Survey said on its website that a 6.8 magnitude quake was felt on Saturday in Pakistan's southwestern Baluchistan province.Pakistan's Meteorological Department measured the earthquake at 7.2 magnitude and its epicenter was located about 90 miles west of Khuzdar.

Colorado counties vie to become federal drone zones - GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. – While one Colorado town's drone-hunting proposal has drawn national attention, lesser known is a keen competition by counties across the state to win federal approval to host civilian drone testing.Industries, universities and county sheriffs showed off their latest unmanned surveillance craft Friday in western Colorado's Mesa County, which is vying with 13 other sites in Colorado to host civilian drone test zones.

Pakistani girl shot by Taliban honored at Harvard - CAMBRIDGE, Mass. – A Pakistani girl who survived an assassination attempt by the Taliban is being honored as Harvard University's humanitarian of the year.Malala Yousafzai (mah-LAH'-lah YOO'-suhf-zeye) is an outspoken proponent for girls' education. She was at Harvard on Friday to accept the 2013 Peter J. Gomes Humanitarian Award.Harvard President Drew Gilpin Faust says she was pleased to welcome Malala because of their shared interest in education.

Possible mass shooting averted -

No charges yet in fatal stabbing after Giants-Dodgers game - San Francisco's district attorney said Friday he's not yet ready to file charges against a man arrested on suspicion of stabbing a Los Angeles Dodgers fan after a Giants-Dodgers game.District Attorney George Gascon said in a statement that not all witnesses have been questioned, and no independent witnesses have been interviewed in the stabbing death of 24-year-old Jonathan Denver a few blocks from AT&T Park on Wednesday night.

Suzanne Somers shares her anti-aging secrets -

Friday 27 September 2013

Blind football player isn’t discouraged -

UN Security Council votes to eliminate Syria's chemical weapons - DEVELOPING : The U.N. Security Council has voted unanimously to secure and destroy Syria's chemical weapons stockpile, a landmark decision aimed at taking poison gas off the battlefield in the escalating 2 1/2-year conflict.The vote on Friday night marked a major breakthrough in the paralysis that has gripped the council since the Syrian uprising began. Russia and China previously vetoed three Western-backed resolutions pressuring President Bashar Assad's regime to end the violence.

UPDATE 2-Chemical weapons watchdog to begin Syria inspections next week - Fri Sep 27, 2013 7:43pm EDT* Syria must provide "immediate and unfettered" access* Destruction of production facilities by Nov. 1* Syrian to name official for chemical weapons destructionBy Anthony DeutschAMSTERDAM, Sept 27 (Reuters) - Experts from the world's chemical weapons watchdog will begin inspecting Syria's stockpile of toxic munitions by Tuesday, according to an agreement passed in The Hague on Friday.

404 Not Found Buffer Mode 2008 - nginx/1.2.6 (Ubuntu)

BlackBerry cancels call to discuss its latest (disastrous) financial results Buffer Mode 2008 - BlackBerry has canceled plans to hold a call with media and analysts to discuss its most recent financial quarter. Likewise, a written report on the quarter, due out last week, will not be published until next week, the New York Times reports .The company is citing its proposed acquisition by financial group Fairfax as the reason for the cancellation of the call.The phone-maker has had a remarkably poor past couple of weeks, to put things mildly.

PezCycling News - What's Cool In Pro Cycling : ZIPP 202 Wheelset: We Have A Winner! Buffer Mode 2008 - It sometimes takes days to track down the lucky winners on PEZ, but not today! My call was returned within minutes, as long time PEZ-Fan Tom Work of Fairfield CA jumped on the news that he’s won the Zipp’s 202 Firecrest carbon clincher wheels from R&A Cycles.Usually a fine prize like this would make someone’s prized ride that much sweeter, but since Tom is “between” road rigs right now, he’ll be starting from the ground up dialing a home for these fine wheels.

Glen Johnson fitness latest Buffer Mode 2008 -

SUNshineGirl | Toronto Sun Buffer Mode 2008 - Your email associated with your SUN+ account has not been validated. If you have received your validation email, please click the link provided to validate now. To receive a new validation email go to your SUN+ account and follow the instructions.

Blog not found Buffer Mode 2008 - Sorry, the blog you were looking for does not exist. However, the name Andthenirolledaone is available to register! Register Andthenirolledaone