Saturday 31 August 2013

Photos: Dragon Con 2013 -

Dragon Con art through the years - Dragon Con program art through the years

The world's scariest bridges - (CNN) -- It's called Gephyrophobia: fear of bridges.The anxiety disorder sends shivers through travelers faced with crossing high bridges that millions of drivers use every day.National headlines about bridge accidents don't help -- like the collapse of Washington's Skagit River Bridge last May and July's collision that sent a driver and her car tumbling off Maryland's Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Bridge disasters feed larger fears about whether the people we trust to inspect, repair and replace our critical infrastructure are doing their jobs.

Our galaxy's black hole is a picky eater - (CNN) -- You might think of black holes as indiscriminate eaters, hungrily gobbling up everything in their vicinity.But the black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy, Sagittarius A, is not exactly like this, new research suggests. Instead, this black hole -- and likely other black holes in the centers of galaxies -- must spit out a lot in order to swallow a little.It's been a mystery why black holes at the centers of galaxies in the present universe appear so much dimmer than quasars, extremely bright objects from the early universe that have black holes at their centers, too.

Nyad tries Cuba-Florida swim again - Havana, Cuba (CNN) -- If Diana Nyad never realizes her dream of swimming the Florida straits, it won't be for lack of trying. The 64-year-old began her fifth and last bid to swim from Cuba to the United States on Saturday morning.Previous attempts were thwarted by dehydration, ocean currents and excruciating jellyfish stings to her tongue."There's the fine line between seeing that things are bigger than you and letting your ego go," Nyad said at a news conference in Havana Friday.

Cops: Woman paid hitman with stamps - New York (CNN) -- A Brooklyn woman is facing conspiracy and solicitation charges after allegedly offering an undercover police officer $60,000 worth of rare postage stamps to kill her husband, the New York Police Department says.Elena Sava-Adams, 57, made a brief appearance in Kings County Criminal Court on Friday, but her whereabouts and status afterwards could not be determined Friday night.Police said she met in Brooklyn with an undercover investigator posing as a hitman to discuss an alleged plan to have her husband run over by a car after the couple had lunch together on Sunday.

Tylenol users get a new warning - (CNN) -- Bottles of Extra Strength Tylenol will soon have a new warning on their caps: "Contains acetaminophen. Always read the label."The bright red lettering is an effort by Tylenol's parent company, Johnson & Johnson, to reduce the number of accidental acetaminophen overdoses that occur each year."Acetaminophen overdose is one of the most common poisonings worldwide," according to the National Institutes of Health.

Fired bus drivers 'crucify' selves - (CNN) -- They're lying on top of wooden crosses arranged flat on the ground.Passers-by who approach them to get a closer look cringe when they see their hands. The protesters have driven nails into the flesh of their palms between their middle and index fingers, nails that then go straight into planks of wood.The protesters are eight bus drivers who were fired from their jobs two months ago.They protested in mid-July outside the offices of the Vanguardia bus company, their former employer.

Soccer players accused of sex assault - (CNN) -- Three members of a suburban Boston junior varsity boys' soccer team were arrested Friday in connection with an alleged sexual assault at a sports camp, according to authorities.The assaults occurred last Sunday at Camp Lenox near Otis, a town in western Massachusetts, according to the Berkshire District Attorney's Office.The city of Somerville, just northwest of Boston, rented the facility for team-building activities for its fall sports teams.

State may appeal 30-day rape sentence - (CNN) -- Prosecutors in Billings, Montana are looking for legal standing to fight a 30-day sentence handed down to a teacher who admitted to raping his 14-year-old student.The girl later took her own life."This case is very important. As I've said before, this resulted in the loss of one of our young people in my community," said Scott Twito, a prosecutor with the Yellowstone County attorney's office.

Fla. to exhume bodies at boys school - Editor's note: Rich Phillips is a senior producer with CNN who first started reporting on the children buried at Dozier Reform School in 2008.Marianna, Florida (CNN) -- This weekend, Florida will begin digging into its tragic past as anthropologists start unearthing what they believe are the remains of dozens of children buried on the grounds of a former reform school.The exhumations at the Dozier School for Boys -- which closed in 2011 -- are the culmination of years of controversy surrounding the reform school and a mythology that has taken on a life of its own.

Kate Middleton shows off slim figure - Duchess Catherine shows off her post-pregnancy body only five weeks after giving birth to Prince George.

Let's not let Robin Thicke off the hook - Editor's note: Jim Higley is an award-winning author, speaker, radio show host, spokesperson and cancer warrior. A fatherhood contributor for Men's Health magazine and Huffington Post, Jim lives in Chicago with his three children. Follow him on Twitter.(CNN) -- I promised myself that I wouldn't do it. I wasn't going to jump in to the whole Miley Cyrus circus. No siree. The pond was full. The seats were all taken.

Obama's 3 choices on Syria - Editor's note: Aaron David Miller is a vice president and distinguished scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and was a Middle East negotiator in Democratic and Republican administrations. Follow him on Twitter.(CNN) -- Among the most enduring urban legends about high-level policy-making in the U.S. government is the proverbial memo with three options: 1. do nothing; 2. do everything; 3.

Decision led to heated debate - Washington (CNN) -- After signaling he was on the verge of delivering a strike against Syria, President Barack Obama made a last-minute decision Friday evening to seek congressional authorization before any military action, senior administration officials told reporters Saturday.The president announced the change in plans to his advisers at approximately 7 p.m. Friday night, officials said. Officials added Obama had also come to the conclusion the United States should carry out a limited military strike to degrade Syria's chemical weapons capabilities.

UN chemical weapons experts depart Syria, cross into neighboring Lebanon - BEIRUT (AP) — UN chemical weapons experts depart Syria, cross into neighboring Lebanon.

At least 4 reportedly killed after earthquake hits China - BEIJING – An earthquake hit a mountainous area in southwestern China Saturday morning, killing at four three people injuring several more, according to state media and the China Earthquake Administration.The quake, which measures 5.9 on the Richter scale by the administration and 5.8 by the U.S. Geological Survey, shook several counties in Yunnan and Sichuan provinces, including the scenic Shangri-La county.

‘Free’ benefits in ObamaCare come with hidden costs - The new health care law promises all sorts of free benefits -- but analysts argue nothing is ultimately free, and ObamaCare is no exception.“P. J. O'Rourke famously said that if you think health care is expensive now, wait until it's free,” said Avik Roy, of the Manhattan Institute. “Once you lard on all these additional things, all these extras that insurers must provide, you have to pay for that

Massive Yosemite blaze may have been sparked by illegal marijuana growers - The massive forest fire that has scorched 333 square miles in and around Yosemite National Park may have been sparked by illegal marijuana growers, according to one fire official in Tuolumne County.The San Jose Mercury News reports that Todd McNeal, chief of the Twain Harte Fire Department, told a community meeting that it was "highly suspect that there might have been some sort of illicit grove, a marijuana-grow-type thing.

Rubio rallies crowd over 'defund ObamaCare' push, skirts immigration debate - ORLANDO, Fla. – Amid a smattering of boos and yells of "no amnesty," Sen. Marco Rubio waded through a rowdy summer-recess crowd on Friday where he tried to focus more on the push to defund ObamaCare than the ongoing debate over immigration legislation."Now I only have one vote but I will not vote for a short-term budget that spends one single cent on 'ObamaCare'," Rubio said to enthusiastic cheers

FILNER EXITS - Bob Filner roared into office promising to shake up City Hall and left without so much as a word after less than nine months as San Diego’s 35th mayor.The civic nightmare stemming from lurid allegations of Filner’s sexual misconduct toward numerous women ended at 5 p.m. Friday with his formal resignation.The momentous day in city history lacked the high drama of last week’s City Council hearing in which Filner agreed to resign.

Is a Hostile Work Environment Bad for Productivity? -

Washington’s threats to attack Syria unacceptable – Russia - Washington’s threat to use military force against Syria unilaterally is unacceptable, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said in a statement. He urged the US to wait the results of the UN chemical weapons investigation.Given the lack of evidence, any unilateral military action bypassing the UN Security Council – “ no matter how limited it is” – would be a direct violation of international law and would undermine the prospects for a political and diplomatic solution to the conflict in Syria and will lead to a new round of confrontation and victims, Lukashevich concluded.

As Syria strikes loom, Samatha Power's skills better suited to classroom than UN - U.S. academics and Upper East Side New Yorkers like to think of the United Nations as a place where foreign ambassadors have intellectual discussions about power and world peace.Our own president and his representative Samantha Power, too, have a long history of talking philosophically about war, genocide and the international legality of action in a crisis.While we all want the U.N. to live up to its original intent and be the place where the world comes together to solve international problems, the reality is the U.

Ginsburg will be first justice to officiate at same-sex wedding - Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will become the first Supreme Court member to conduct a same-sex marriage ceremony Saturday when she officiates at the Washington wedding of Kennedy Center President Michael M. Kaiser.The gala wedding of Kaiser and economist John Roberts at the performing arts center brings together the nation’s highest court and the capital’s high society and will mark a new milepost in the recognition of same-sex unions.

Jury finds teen guilty of murdering Ga. baby in stroller - MARIETTA, Ga. – An 18-year-old man was convicted of murder in the shooting of a baby who was riding in a stroller alongside his mom in a town in coastal Georgia despite the defense's attempt to cast guilt upon several others, including the child's parents.Jurors deliberated about two hours before finding De'Marquise Elkins guilty of 11 counts, including two counts of felony murder and one count of malice murder in the March 21 killing of 13-month-old Antonio Santiago in Brunswick.

US government's assessment of Syria's use of chemical weapons - The United States Government assesses with high confidence that the Syrian government carried out a chemical weapons attack in the Damascus suburbs on August 21, 2013. We further assess that the regime used a nerve agent in the attack.These all-source assessments are based on human, signals, and geospatial intelligence as well as a significant body of open source reporting. Our classified assessments have been shared with the U.

Suspect in custody after shots fired at NC school - A school spokesman says there has been a shooting at a Winston-Salem high school and that a suspect is in custody.Winston-Salem-Forsyth County Schools spokesman Theo Helm said the shooting occurred at Carver High School Friday afternoon. It is on the city's northeast side.According to, one victim sustained a non-life threatening injury. Officials also said one person is in custody.The incident is the second gun-related incident for the school this year.

Byron York: Action on Syria 'seems so disorganized' - Byron York takes a look at how the Obama administration is handling the situation in Syria

Football Season Shines Brighter Light on CBS Blackout - As Time Warner Cable ( TWC ) and CBS ( CBS ) continue to battleover programming costs, perhaps the biggest question facing both sides is coming due.Are you ready for some football?It doesn’t come as a surprise to most the fight over retransmission fees, or how much the cable operator should pay CBS for its programming, has lingered until football season officially kicks off. Some analysts speculated early on CBS could look to use the National Football League’s opening Sunday, as well as the start of NCAA football this Saturday, as extra leverage in the negotiations.

Microsoft pledges to move forward with NSA surveillance lawsuit - SAN FRANCISCO -- Microsoft, Google and other major U.S. technology companies fighting to reveal more detail about the surveillance demands by U.S. intelligence say negotiations with the government have not reached an agreement “acceptable to all.” In a blog post Friday, Microsoft General Counsel Brad Smith said the talks recently broke down and Microsoft planned to move forward with the lawsuit filed this summer.

Obama: This kind of attack is a 'challenge to the world' -

9 healthy cooking substitutions - Trying to cut calories without cutting flavor? These easy baking and cooking substitution help you create a healthier, and equally flavorful dish!Black Beans for FlourIt may sound crazy, but this money-saving substitution is perfect for those trying to go gluten-free. Simply swap a can of black beans (rinsed, drained, and puréed) for 1 cup of flour. This trick cuts up to up to 200 calories and adds protein to a sweet treat.

Kerry: 'We know' Assad regime used chemical weapons - You're watching...AdvertisementDescriptionSecretary of state makes statement on SyriaDateAug 30, 2013Duration

Go Hog Wild For Harleys - Harley-Davidson's 110th anniversary is expected to draw thousands of bike lovers to Milwaukee, Wis. for its thunderous Labor Day celebration. Milwaukee is the home of Harley-Davidson, and more than 100,000 people from around the globe are expected to take part in weekend concerts, parade, street parties and other events.Here are five reasons to throw on some leather, tie on your bandana and jump on your hog:

Facebook post purportedly by Assad’s 11-year-old son taunts US to strike - A Facebook account purportedly belonging to the 11-year-old son of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad seemingly taunts the United States to strike the country."I just want them to attack soooo much, because I want them to make this huge attack of beginning something that they don’t know the end of it," Hafez al-Assad allegedly posted.The New York Times reports that it's impossible to confirm the post was indeed written by Bashar's son.

New boss at ICE ineligible for job, says critic - The acting head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement—who oversees the nation's second-largest federal investigative agency—may not be eligible for the permanent position under laws set up to keep politics out of the agency, according to one former high-level employee.When John Sandweg, a former Arizona criminal defense attorney and associate of outgoing Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, was named acting director of ICE, several critics questioned his credentials.

California's 'Pillowcase Rapist' to be released in Los Angeles County - An admitted serial rapist who attacked 38 women in California could be a free man within weeks after the state’s Supreme Court denied prosecutors’ requests to block his release from a state mental hospital.Christopher Hubbart, a sexually violent predator dubbed the “Pillowcase Rapist,” has spent nearly two decades in mental institutions after admitting to sexually assaulting more than three dozen women throughout California between 1971 and 1982, often putting pillowcases over victims' heads to muffle their screams.

Obama says US has 'obligation' to act on Syria, cites intel findings - President Obama signaled Friday that the U.S. could act alone to punish Syria for a chemical weapons attack last week, saying the nation has an "obligation as a leader in the world" to hold rogue regimes to account for breaching the rules of war.Facing rising skepticism in Congress and abroad, the president and top Cabinet officials tried to make a robust case for intervention on Friday -- releasing an intelligence report showing "high confidence" the Assad regime carried out the strike and arguing that responding would be in the U.

Delay in strike giving Assad time to move military hardware, sources say - Syrian President Bashar Assad has benefited from the United States' delay in launching any military strike on his regime, Defense sources told Fox News, amid reports that his forces have been moving military hardware off-base potentially as a precautionary measure."(Assad) does this all the time," one military source told Fox News. "All he has to do is watch the news to know what our tactics are."According to one senior U.

Alleged chemical attack in Syria, Aug. 21, 2013 - Syrian opposition groups say at least 100 people have been killed during a fierce government offensive near Damascus, attacks in which some activists say regime troops used "poisonous gas." The government denied reports its troops used chemical weapons on Aug. 21, 2013, dismissing the claims as baseless. - AP

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As support for missile strike fades, Obama has other 'red line' options on Syria - Facing the loss of a major ally for a potential military strike on Syria, President Obama has an opening, perhaps, to reconsider his "red line" options.After warning Syria a year ago that using chemical weapons would constitute crossing that line, the president's first option -- given evidence that chemical weapons were used in a deadly attack against civilians -- was an immediate cruise missile strike.

Parents: Don't Pay for MTV - LOS ANGELES РShould parents be able to choose what cable channels they fund? Following the ultra risqu̩ MTV Video Music Awards this past weekend, more questions are being raised and pressure is being placed on Congress to pass the Television Consumer Freedom Act. The act would give parents and consumers a real solution for future raunchy programs Рthe ability to choose and pay for only the cable networks they want to see"Why must families be forced to subsidize MTV or any other network with their cable bills?

Ted Nugent's wife arrested with gun at Texas airport - The wife of rock musician Ted Nugent has been arrested after a handgun was found in her carry-on luggage at an airport security checkpoint.Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport spokesman David Magana confirmed to The Dallas Morning News that 51-year-old Shemane Ann Nugent was taken into custody Thursday.Shemane Nugent's attorney, David Finn, says she made an "honest mistake" and either forgot or never knew the gun was in her bag.

Illinois officials under fire for ObamaCare contracts - By Mike Tobin Published August 30, 2013Making ObamaCare a reality will require massive computing power to track, store and process the millions of individual cases.But in Illinois, contracts to compute that state’s cases – valued as high as $190 million – are being awarded without competitive bidding.The practice already has watchdogs crying foul.“No transparency and with no bidding -- if that’s legal in Illinois, It shouldn’t be.

Lamar Odom arrested on suspicion of DUI - Veteran NBA player Lamar Odom was arrested Friday morning on suspicion of driving under the influence after he was spotted driving erratically on the 101 Freeway in the San Fernando Valley, the California Highway Patrol said. Odom, a free agent who has played for the Lakers and most recently the Clippers, was arrested at 3:54 a.m. and booked into jail in Van Nuys at 5:01 a.m., according to jail records.

Illinois couple married for 71 years die 16 hours apart - ROCKFORD, Ill. – A man and wife who were married for more than seven decades died hours apart this week at a hospice in northern Illinois.Family members say Robert and Nora Viands were always together during their 71 years of marriage. Their son calls their deaths -- 16 hours apart at a Rockford retirement center-- a "blessing" because each would have been heartbroken without the other.The Rockford Register Star reports that 92-year-old Robert Viands died around 12:

Once staunch opponent of Bush Iraq policy, Obama faces similar path on Syria - President Obama, with Great Britain having rejected military action in Syria, finds himself on the verge of pursuing the very kind of go-it-alone approach that he accused his predecessor of using in Iraq.Obama, though, may not even have a "coalition of the willing” at his back, as George W. Bush did, should he choose to pursue the military option in Syria. America's most vital ally, Great Britain, effectively pulled out before the fireworks began, when the House of Commons voted against military action on Thursday evening. - FeaturedRichard's Blog Jun 18, 2013Lemurs on Necker are growing up very quickly indeed...Jun 17, 2013We’re delighted to welcome Virgin Galactic’s 600th futur…Virgin News Travel - Jun 18, 2013 Travel - Jun 17, 2013Blogs Red Room - Jun 18, 2013 Entrepreneur - Jun 17, 2013

Weight Loss Tricks To Skip - Just when I think I’ve seen it all, another quick fix weight-loss method pops up. Over the years I’ve heard about weight-loss lollipops, diet chopsticks, even slimming sunglasses (designed to change the color of food and make it unappetizing). There will always be silly and trendy lose weight fast tricks, but what really worries me are approaches that are invasive, extreme, and downright dangerous

Analysts: North Korea expanding rocket launch site - WASHINGTON – New satellite imagery shows North Korea is conducting major new construction to expand facilities at a launch site where it fired a rocket into orbit last December, a U.S. research institute said Friday.The work at the west coast site of Sohae, near the northern border with China, includes what could be a new launch pad for testing mobile ballistic missiles.The U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies stressed that's a preliminary analysis, based on scrutiny of commercial satellite imagery, the latest taken last Sunday.

Kidney Transplant Mishap - Sarah and Paul Fudacz speak out

Grave excavation to start at former Fla. reform school - MARIANNA, Fla. – University of South Florida researchers will begin exhuming dozens of graves Saturday at a former reform school in hopes of identifying the buried boys and learning how they died.The work is set to begin at 9 a.m. EDT. Researchers will remove dirt with trowels and by hand to find the remains, which are believed to be 19 inches to 3-plus feet under the surface."In these historic cases, it's really about having an accurate record and finding out what happened and knowing the truth about what happened," said Erin Kimmerle, a USF anthropologist who is leading the excavation.

Gaming laws could pose risk for fantasy football craze - The trash talk around the water cooler is already underway as hordes of fantasy football players get ready to draft their teams. The NFL has even gotten into the act with a web site for stats and strategies.But managing a dream team of real players could get some betting fans in hot water with the authorities. In states where high-stakes fantasy sports technically falls under the definition of prohibited gambling, players could be risking more than their pride.

'FAR BEYOND HAZING'3 Mass. Teens Accused in Sports Camp Sex Assaults - Up to a Dozen Juveniles Attack 2 Women in ParkColorado Potty Peeper Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison

‘Free’ ObamaCare benefits come with hidden costs -

'HIGHLY SUSPECT' Illegal Pot Growers May Have Started Yosemite Fire - WATCH: Yosemite Rim Fire Burns Its Way Into Record Books

NBC poll: Nearly 80 percent want congressional approval on Syria - An NBC poll says most Americans want President Obama to get congressional approval before acting in Syria. NBC's Chuck Todd reports.Nearly 80 percent of Americans believe President Barack Obama should receive congressional approval before using force in Syria, but the nation is divided over the scope of any potential strike, a new NBC News poll shows.Fifty percent of Americans believe the U.S. should not intervene in the wake of suspected chemical weapons attacks by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, according to the poll.

VA can't deny health benefits to lesbian Army vet, judge rules -

Early release of bombing victim's father ordered by judge - BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – A former Alabama politician whose daughter died in a racist church bombing in 1963 was released from a prison medical facility Thursday after a judge sided with an Obama administration call to free him.Chris McNair was released from prison hours after U.S. District Judge Lynwood Smith issued her ruling, said Peggy Sanford, a spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney in Birmingham.The U.

Federal judge orders VA to obey Supreme Court on same-sex benefits - Carolyn Kaster / AP fileThe Department of Veterans Affairs can no longer rely on its unique reading of federal law to refuse to provide full benefits to a California veteran in a same-sex marriage, a federal judge declared in a ruling filed late Thursday.U.S. District Judge Consuelo Marshall of Los Angeles sided with Tracey Cooper-Harris of Pasadena, Calif., a 12-year Army veteran, who sued the VA for denying her full disability benefits because she is married to a woman.

Football returns to Texas town hit by plant explosion - WEST, Texas – Four months after a fertilizer plant explosion tore through their small Texas community, killing 15 people and damaging buildings for blocks around, the West Trojans opened their football season and recovered a degree of normalcy that's been missing since the blast.The high school field, which became a triage site after the April 17 blast in the community 100 miles south of Dallas, was replanted and repainted for the game against the Little River-Academy Bumblebees.

Nasdaq says software bug caused trading outage - NEW YORK (Reuters) - NasdaqOMX Group's massive trading halt last week was due to a software bug and other internal technology issues triggered by problems at NYSE Euronext's Arca exchange that led a key backup system to fail, the exchange operator said on Thursday.Nasdaq said it was "deeply disappointed" by the three-hour outage on August 22, and while it pointed to connection problems between rival NYSE's electronic exchange Arca and the Nasdaq-run system that receives all traffic on quotes and orders for Nasdaq stocks, it took ultimate responsibility for the glitch.

STRIKE PLAN: US Hit on Syria Would Extend Beyond Capital, Sources Say - The impending U.S. military action in Syria is likely to extend beyond the capital city of Damascus, and would be focused on the delivery systems for the Syrian regime's chemical weapons arsenal, sources told Fox News.These systems, and the U.S. military strikes against them, would accordingly include both command-and-control facilities located in the capital but also Syria's short-range missile launchers and artillery positions, which are said to be located in mountainous areas outside of the city.

World's Fastest Wooden Coaster - GURNEE, Ill. – Six Flags Great America says a new wooden roller coaster it plans to build will be the fastest such ride in the world, sending thrill-seekers barreling over the tracks at up to 72 mph.The theme park north of Chicago says it'll break two other records for wooden coasters: It will have the tallest drop at 180 feet and the steepest drop at 85 degrees.“Six Flags Great America is known for introducing record-breaking and first-of-its-kind roller coasters,” said Hank Salemi, Six Flags Great America park president.

U.S. spy network’s successes, failures and objectives detailed in ‘black budget’ summary - U.S. spy agencies have built an intelligence-gathering colossus since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, but remain unable to provide critical information to the president on a range of national security threats, according to the government’s top-secret budget.The $52.6 billion “black budget” for fiscal 2013, obtained by The Washington Post from former ­intelligence contractor Edward Snowden , maps a bureaucratic and operational landscape that has never been subject to public scrutiny.

Friday 30 August 2013

Teens sentenced to indefinite probation in Florida bus beating - Three teenagers charged in a vicious school bus beating were sentenced to indefinite probation Thursday in a Florida juvenile court.The probation sentence for the trio of 15-year-olds came with multiple conditions including community service, random drug tests and electronic monitoring, meaning ankle bracelets for as long as 60 days.In addition, the teens must also take anger management classes, comply with mandatory curfews and stay away from the vicitm.

HOPE IN PAKISTAN? Doc Who Helped Nab Bin Laden Gets New Trial - The 33-year prison sentence of a Pakistani doctor who helped the CIA locate Usama bin Laden has been overturned and a retrial has been ordered.Government administrator Feroz Shah said a senior judicial official, Sahibzada Mohammad Anis, issued the ruling Thursday because the person who originally sentenced doctor Shakil Afridi was not authorized to hear the case.Afridi, who was convicted in May 2012 of conspiring with Islamic militants in Pakistan’s Khyber tribal area for giving them money and medical treatment, will reportedly remain imprisoned at Peshawar Central jail until the retrial is concluded.

NFL, players reach proposed $765M settlement of concussion-related lawsuits - PHILADELPHIA – The NFL has agreed to spend close to $800 million to diagnose and compensate potentially hundreds of retired players who may be suffering from dementia and other brain disorders they blame on the violent, bone-jarring collisions that pro football has long celebrated in its highlight reels.The settlement, which is subject to approval by a federal judge, was announced Thursday after months of court-ordered mediation.

Secret Samurai Text Deciphered - A training text, used by a martial arts school to teach members of the bushi (samurai) class, has been deciphered, revealing the rules samurai were expected to follow and what it took to truly become a master swordsman.The text is called Bugei no jo, which means "Introduction to Martial Arts" and is dated to the 15th year of Tenpo (1844). Written for samurai students about to learn Takenouchi-ryū , a martial arts system , it would have prepared students for the challenges awaiting them.

Clothing collection showcasing Adderall, Xanax and Vicodin criticized for making light of prescription drug abuse - Is drug use becoming fashionable?The California-based retail chain Kitson seems to think so. The clothing company recently debuted a new line, featuring jersey-like T-shirts and sweatshirts with prescription drug names on the backs.The shirts showcase the names of three drugs: Adderall, Xanax and Vicodin, some of the most frequently abused prescription pills. The shirts cost $58; sweatshirts cost $98.

Treasury Announces Same-Sex Married Couples Get Federal Tax Recognition Regardless Of State - WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Department of the Treasury announced Thursday that when it comes to taxes, it will recognize same-sex couples' marriages even if they live in a state that does not.The decision, which was prompted by the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act, marks the latest political progress for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.Prior to this spring, the Internal Revenue Service did not recognize same-sex married couples pursuant to section 3 of DOMA.

Mixed emotions from NFL players on settlement - NEW YORK (AP) -- The hundreds of millions of dollars the NFL is ready to pay former players sounds great, until you stretch it out over 20 years and divide it among thousands of people.Which is why some former players and others think the league is getting off cheap in its tentative settlement with victims of concussion-related brain injuries.The deal announced Thursday to settle 4,500 or so claims is awaiting approval by a federal judge in Philadelphia.

Flying With Kids Gets Harder - They may be little, but more airlines are placing big restrictions on kids.Last week Singapore Airlines’ budget carrier Scoot Airlines introduced its "ScootinSilence" section. For $14, travelers can sit in an area free of children under 12 years old, with legroom four inches greater than those in economy class. Two other airlines, Malaysian Airlines and AirAsia X, already ban kids on certain rows or sections on some flights.

US banks earn record $42.2B in 2nd quarter - WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. banks earned more from April through June than during any quarter on record, aided by a steep drop in losses from bad loans.The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. says the banking industry earned $42.2 billion in the second quarter, up 23 percent from the second quarter of 2012. About 54 percent of U.S. banks reported improved earnings from a year earlier.Banks' losses on loans tumbled 30.

Powers limited, Obama, Biden seek action on guns - WASHINGTON (AP) — Months after gun control efforts crumbled in Congress, Vice President Joe Biden stood shoulder to shoulder Thursday with the attorney general and the top U.S. firearms official and declared the Obama administration would take two new steps to curb American gun violence.But the narrow, modest scope of those steps served as pointed reminders that without congressional backing, President Barack Obama's capacity to make a difference is severely inhibited.

Obama's got only five options when it comes to Syria - As the Obama administration contemplates a possible military strike against Syria, it would be useful for everyone to take a step back and ponder what we want to accomplish with such an attack.What are the president’s objectives and how will an attack achieve those objectives? What are his options?It’s understandable that we want to “do something.” Those pictures of linen-wrapped children, dead from inhaling chemical weapons, are horrifying.

New documentary ‘American Made Movie’ encourages citizens to buy products made in the US - Where do the eggs you eat come from? What about the pan you use to fry them? Where did the shirt on your back originate, and did the soap you used to wash your hands come from another country?After World War II, the United States made up almost 50 percent of the global economy. At its pinnacle in 1979, the manufacturing industry employed more than 19 million workers. But since 2001, about 56,000 factories have shut down in the U.

Fort Hood victim 'relieved' after shooter's sentencing - DateAug 29, 2013DurationPersonalitiesMartha MacCallumGuestsShawn Manning

Iranian president says country will work with Russia to stop strike on Syria - TEHRAN, Iran – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said his country will press forward with efforts to ward off military action by the U.S. and its allies against the Tehran-backed regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, Iranian state TV reported on Thursday.The report said the remarks came late Wednesday during a phone conversation between Rouhani and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.Rouhani was quoted as saying "military action will bring great costs for the region" and "it is necessary to apply all efforts to prevent it.

Syrian civil war - The uprising in Syria was sparked in March 2011 in the southern city of Daraa with demonstrators angered by the arrests of young people who scrawled anti-government graffiti. Their grievances and calls for reforms were met with a violent security crackdown, reportedly by by President Bashar al-Assad's forces. The unrest served to catalyze anti-government protests across the nation .More than 20,000 people have been killed since the uprising broke out, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights in August 2012.

Kentucky man says he killed wife to end her cancer pain - A southeastern Kentucky man charged with killing his wife says he fatally shot her because she asked him to end her suffering from breast cancer."She told me she wanted me to end her pain. All I said [was] 'Jay, all I’ve got is what the doctor gave you.' She said 'No, I want you to stop my pain for good,'" Ernest Chris Chumbley told from his cell in the Laurel County Detention CenterThe Laurel County sheriff's office says Ernest Chumbley called 911 at about 2:

McCain: There seems to be no real strategy in Syria - DescriptionVeteran senator wonders what Pres. Obama's endgame is with military strikes in Syria, whether president and Biden flip-flopped on their views on bring...DateAug 28, 2013DurationPersonalitiesGreta Van SusterenGuestsSen. John Mccain

How spice up healthy school lunches - For Catherine McCord, packing school lunches for her two children does not consist of just throwing an apple and a PB&J in a brown bag.“Food should be fun, so kids can play with it.”- Catherine McCord, founder of the blog WeeliciousThe lunches McCord prepares are a perfect mix of nutrition, easiness and fun—and she’s never packed the same meal twice.“Food should be fun, so kids can play with it,” McCord told FoxNews.

Detainee Transfer Announced - U.S. Department of DefenseOffice of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)News ReleaseIMMEDIATE RELEASE No. 620-13August 29, 2013Detainee Transfer AnnouncedThe Department of Defense announced today the transfer of Nabil Said Hadjarab and Mutia Sadiq Ahmad Sayyab from the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay to the Government of Algeria.As directed by the President's Jan. 22, 2009, executive order, the interagency Guantanamo Review Task Force conducted a comprehensive review of this case.

Report: Syria chemical attack evidence 'not a slam dunk' - A report by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence into an alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria earlier this month says that President Bashar al-Assad's forces were likely behind the attack, but admits that there are questions left open by the current intelligence picture.Multiple U.S. officials have told the Associated Press that the evidence against Assad is "not a slam dunk," and questions remain regarding who actually controls some of Syria's chemical weapons stores and whether Assad himself ordered the attack.

Missouri hopes to find owners of abandoned military medals - ST. LOUIS – Some are forgotten in the post-war fog, others lost to the passage of time or shifting circumstances. Now, in the age of instant communication, the hope is that military honors earned fighting in foreign lands will wind up where they belong.On Wednesday, at the Jefferson Barracks military post and national cemetery near St. Louis, Missouri Treasurer Clint Zweifel promoted a new state law allowing him to publicly share the names and last-known addresses of missing military medal owners or their legal heirs.

Police: Man kills boyhood friend over stolen video-game system - Philadelphia Police have arrested an 18-year-old whom they say shot his childhood friend execution-style over a stolen video game console.Malik Anderson was arrested Wednesday and charged with murder after allegedly luring 19-year-old Daquan Crump to a demolition site and shooting him 10 times with a .22-caliber gun. According to, investigators say that Anderson has confessed to the crime and is cooperating with investigators.

Montana judge defends 30-day sentence for teacher in teen girl's rape - A Montana judge on Wednesday stood by his decision to send a former teacher to prison for 30 days for raping a 14-year-old girl who later killed herself, but said he "deserved to be chastised" for his comments about the young victim.District Judge G. Todd Baugh sentenced former Billings Senior High School teacher Stacey Rambold to 15 years, then suspended all but 31 days and gave him credit for one day already served.


41 killed in Narok bus accident along Nairobi-Narok highway - The wreckage of the bus which was involved in a tragic road accident along Narok - Nairobi Highway killing 41 people on Thursday morning. [PHOTO: BONIFACE THUKU/STANDARD]By Standard TeamNAIROBI, KENYA: 41 people were on Thursday morning killed in a bus accident at Ntulele area along Nairobi - Narok highway.At least 33 others have been taken to hospitals in Narok and Kijabe. Police at the scene say the accident happened at about 2 am when the bus crashed as the driver negotiated a drift from Nairobi while headed to Homabay .

50th anniversary of a civil rights turning point - Also in this playlist...Special Report

Colombia 'ready to talk' to rebel group ELN - Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos says his government is ready to start peace talks with the country's second-largest left-wing rebel group, the National Liberation Army (ELN).The announcement comes a day after the ELN released a Canadian hostage it had been holding for months, Gernot Wober.Meanwhile, a Colombian court has rejected appeals against a law facilitating talks with rebel groups.Colombia has already opened talks with the largest rebel group, the Farc.

The big event marking the 50th anniversary of MLK’s speech -

Panama says skeletal remains found in backpack belong to missing Calif. woman - Authorities in Panama say they have positively identified skeletal remains found last week as those of an American woman who vanished there almost two years ago.Prosecutor Vielka Gisela Broce says DNA testing confirmed that the remains found last week on the island province of Bocas del Toro belong to Yvonne Lee Baldelli, who was last seen there in November 2011.A Panamanian resident found the remains, including a human skull and bones but not a complete skeleton, in a green “military-style” backpack on the island and turned them over to authorities.

Sarah Murnaghan Leaves Hospital - Homecoming for girl who received lung transplant

Man allegedly tries to shoot arrow with marijuana attached into Wash. jail - A man is accused of trying to get marijuana into a Washington state jail by attaching it to an arrow he shot onto the roof.A Whatcom County sheriff's employee saw the man step out of his pickup truck and use a bow to launch the arrow toward the jail's second-floor recreation area, but it missed its target.Sheriff Bill Elfo says the man, identified as 36-year-old David Wayne Jordan, was arrested for investigation of introducing contraband into the jail, resisting arrest and obstructing law enforcement.

South Carolina city makes being homeless illegal - WASHINGTON – South Carolina’s capital city is dishing out some southern discomfort following a controversial decision to criminalize its homeless.On Aug. 13, the Columbia City Council approved a plan that effectively makes homelessness illegal in parts of the city. The proposal forces those who sleep outdoors to be sent to a shelter on the outskirts of town. Those who don’t comply will be rounded up and forced to leave or sent to the slammer.

Obama advocates 'shot across the bow' for Syria, as concerns grow in Congress - President Obama on Wednesday advocated a “shot across the bow” for Syria in the interest of U.S. national security, despite growing concerns from congressional lawmakers over the possibility of an American military strike.In an interview with PBS, Obama for the first time said publicly the U.S. has concluded the Syrian government carried out a chemical weapons attack against civilians last week, saying the administration does not believe the country’s opposition has such weapons at their disposal.

Thursday 29 August 2013

Kidnapper's sister doubts Hannah - Lora DiMaggio, James DiMaggio's sister, tells CNN's Piers Morgan that Hannah Anderson is "trouble."

Rand Paul: Obama, don't jump into war - Editor's note: Rand Paul, a Republican, is a U.S. senator from Kentucky.(CNN) -- The enemy of my enemy is not always my friend.On one side we have al Qaeda; on the other side we have Syria's authoritarian president Bashar al-Assad. On one side we have Islamic jihadists; on the other side we have Christians.In all likelihood the al-Assad regime has used chemical weapons to kill civilians. And without a doubt Islamic rebels have kidnapped and killed priests and civilians.

Economic vision - President Obama will deliver another major speech on the economy.

A 50-year stint - A 71-year-old veteran returns to his family after serving the U.S.

Powerball loot - At least 3 people have winning $448 million jackpot tickets.

One man's brain controls another's - (CNN) -- Every so often, you see something that makes you think: The future is here.Researchers at the University of Washington have demonstrated what they say is the first example of a noninvasive human-to-human brain interface. In a video posted online, they show how a scientist could control another scientist's hand motions just by using brain signals sent over the Internet.The two participants in this demonstration were the scientists themselves, Rajesh Rao and Andrea Stocco.

Fly across Pacific in cutest jet ever - (CNN) -- Just when you thought the multibillion-dollar marketing phenomenon that is Hello Kitty might have colonized every corner of the merchandizing universe in Asia and possibly reached its natural limits, we learn that planes branded with the cartoon cat are to fly to the West.The Taiwanese airline EVA Air, which already flies five Kitty-themed planes around Asia, is adding thrice-weekly flights from Taipei to Los Angeles on September 18.

President Obama talks terror with Jay Leno. - CNN's Michaela Pereira has a look at the top news stories that you need to know.

Hear painful beauty pageant blunder - "Seeing is believing" this latest beauty queen blunder. CNN's Jeanne Moos says to be prepared to squirm.

'Avengers' sequel names its villain - (CNN) -- The next time the Avengers assemble, it'll be to face off with James Spader.The actor has been cast as the formidable foe Ultron in the next "Avengers" movie, Marvel announced Thursday.Written and directed by Joss Whedon, "The Avengers: Age of Ultron" will show a more humanized -- but just as fearsome -- villain, Whedon told Entertainment Weekly.In the Marvel universe, Ultron is a sentient robot that has an incredibly wide range of abilities, coming equipped with super-speed, super-strength, flight, mind control and a coma ray, to name a few.

Yosemite hikers escape flames - Are you affected by the fire? Please share your images and footage if you can do so safely.(CNN) -- They were on a 10-day trek through the wilderness, just four guys and six llamas. Expecting to commune with nature, they instead faced its sheer, raw power when their hike was cut short by the huge wildfire ravaging northern California.David Hermanson, a 30-year-old artist and air conditioner repairman from the San Diego area, knows Yosemite National Park like the back of his hand.

Bergen: Al Qaeda's potent Syria force - Editor's note: Peter Bergen is CNN's national security analyst, a director at the New America Foundation and the author of "Manhunt: The Ten-Year Search for bin Laden -- From 9/11 to Abbottabad."(CNN) -- Why has the Obama administration been so reluctant to intervene in Syria? There are a host of reasons -- American fatigue with war, President Barack Obama's disinclination to start another conflict in the Middle East, and the splintered, fractured opposition to Bashar al-Assad.

UK vote rejects military action - (CNN) -- The United States may have to take action against Syria without the support of one of its staunchest allies, U.S. officials said Thursday after British lawmakers voted down a proposal for military action.Washington will continue to consult with Britain, but "President Obama's decision-making will be guided by what is in the best interests of the United States," National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said in a statement issued Thursday evening.

Is pot winning the legalization debate? - It's the story everyone is talking about. Is marijuana harmful or helpful? CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta cuts through the smoke on America's "green rush" and journeys around the world to uncover the highs and lows of "Weed" Friday night at 10 ET.(CNN) -- The question has dipped in and out of the national conversation for decades: What should the United States do about marijuana?Everyone has heard the arguments in the legalization debate about health and social problems, potential tax revenue, public safety concerns and alleviating an overburdened prison system -- but there isn't much new to say.

Horse frolicks in kiddie pool - Who says kids get to be the only ones splashing around?

Can you be liable for texting a driver? - (CNN) -- Three New Jersey judges surprised phone owners everywhere Tuesday with a new message: You don't have to be texting and driving to get in trouble. You might be legally liable for a crash if you're on the other end of the phone, too.Jersey's state Appeals Court sided with the argument made by a couple who were badly injured in a 2009 crash with an 18-year-old whose truck drifted across the center line and hit them riding on their motorcycle.

Zeta-Jones and Douglas separate - (CNN) -- Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas are taking a break from their marriage.A rep for Zeta-Jones confirms to CNN that the Hollywood power couple are in the middle of "evaluating" their relationship."Catherine and Michael are taking some time apart to evaluate and work on their marriage," the rep said, declining to offer further comment.Zeta-Jones and Douglas tied the knot in November 2000 and have stuck together through sickness and health.

Israeli intelligence first confirmed Assad regime behind alleged chemical attack - The initial confirmation that the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad was responsible for a suspected chemical weapons attack Aug. 21 came from a tip from the Israeli intelligence service, western intelligence sources tell Fox News.A special unit of the Israeli Defense Force -- an intelligence unit that goes by the number 8200, which is a military intelligence listening unit -- has been cooperating with the NSA, sources tell Fox News.

Samsung's New Smartwatch? - The year of the smartwatch marches on, and following hardware such as the Pebble, Sony’s SmartWatch 2, and all manner of crowd-sourced alternatives, the next manufacturer expected to reveal such a device is Samsung. We’ve been hearing about a smartwatch from Samsung most of the year, but it’s only very recently we’ve learned its arrival is imminent. So what do we know about the watch? Quite a lot, but not all that much detail.

'Duck Dynasty' Heats Up - One good deed deserves another–at least that’s the philosophy in West Monroe, Louisana, where the stars of A&E’s “Duck Dynasty” make their home. This week's episode of the series was all about helping each other out.“One of the many perks of being in the Robertson clan is that if you need help–all you gotta do is ask for it,” Jase explained of his brothers, Uncle Si and coworker Godwin pitching in to assist in building a new fishing dock.

Looming county smoking ban irks West Virginia vets - KEYSER, W.Va. – A proposed smoking ban in Mineral County starting Oct. 1 is stirring up opposition among veterans.The News Tribune reports that representatives of American Legion and VFW clubs flocked to a county commissioners' meeting room Wednesday in Keyser to appeal for an exemption for their establishments.They complained that the smoking ban is an infringement on their personal liberty and threatens the financial viability of their organizations.

Military to Get Flying Cars - Are we less than two years away from tactical vehicles that both drive and fly?The Real Off Road is around the bend for the US military… Two of the world’s top defense innovators, DARPA and Skunk Works, are determined to deliver in 2015.The Transformer TX drives like a military ground vehicle and rapidly transforms to fly like a helicopter and can transform back again.And like Transformers, these vehicles can be operated by humans or can even fly or drive themselves.

Predator drone aids crews battling Yosemite fire - Fire commanders battling a giant blaze around Yosemite National Park said Thursday that they would maintain use of a Predator drone to give them early views of any new flare-ups across the remote and rugged landscape..Officials remained confident on Thursday about their efforts to corral the Rim Fire, which grew by a relatively modest few hundred acres overnight.The fire had burned about 301 square miles as of Thursday morning and remained 30 percent contained.

Congress, Allies Stall Push for US 'Shot Across Bow' Against Syria - The Obama administration was running into roadblocks as it tried to corral an international coalition in support of intervention in Syria, with U.S. allies appearing to hit pause on calls for a missile strike.Britain and France, which helped lead the 2011 mission to impose a no-fly zone in Libya, on Thursday were still in a wait-and-see mode on Syria, as the countries await the results of a United Nations investigation.

Boehner Seeks Answers from President Obama on Syria - WASHINGTON, DC – House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) today sent the following letter to President Obama requesting that he clearly articulate to the American people and Congress his objectives, policy, and strategy for any potential intervention in Syria. A PDF of the letter can be seen here .Dear Mr. President:I deeply respect your role as our country’s commander-in-chief, and I am mindful that Syria is one of the few places where the immediate national security interests of the United States so visibly converge with broader U.

Is Your Thyroid Not Working? - The thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland in the neck, can have a dramatic impact on a huge variety of bodily functions, and if you're a woman over 35 your odds of a thyroid disorder are high—more than 30 percent, by some estimates.At least 30 million Americans have a thyroid disorder and half—15 million—are silent sufferers who are undiagnosed, according to The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists.

Make a Holiday BBQ Bonanza - While summer may be coming to a close, the end of grilling season is still a long way away. This Labor Day, take advantage of the fact that the old Weber isn’t covered with snow or plastered with rotting leaves. Think about it. You’ve only got a few more weeks before summer is over and the neighbors think you’re crazy for firing up the grill in a blizzard.To aid in your Labor Day celebration, we’ve come up with a list of recipes that pay tribute to summer and welcome the fall.

Covert U.S. operation sends manned aircraft to help Mexican police - A covert U.S. operation sending manned aircraft south of the border has helped Mexican police identify, capture and kill some of that country's most wanted criminals, according to sources.Under the direction of the Pentagon's Northern Command, "Operation Lowrider" began in 2011 after the death of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent Jamie Zapata."It's been successful in identifying, eliminating and bringing to justice those who brought tons and tons of drugs into the United States," says Phil Jordan a former DEA Special Agent and director of the agency's El Paso Intelligence Center.

Doc: Buy Only US-Made Stuff - Where do the eggs you eat come from? What about the pan you use to fry them? Where did the shirt on your back originate, and did the soap you used to wash your hands come from another country?After World War II, the United States made up almost 50 percent of the global economy. At its pinnacle in 1979, the manufacturing industry employed more than 19 million workers. But since 2001, about 56,000 factories have shut down in the U.

Meet Our Sun's Twin - About 250 light-years away in the constellation Capricornus (The Sea Goat) lies a star that looks awfully familiar.Known as HIP 102152, the star is a virtual twin of our sun, which in and of itself is not so unusual. But HIP 102152 is older than our 4.6-billion-year old sun -- by nearly 4 billion years, making it the oldest solar twin found to date."It is important for us to understand our sun in the proper context of stellar astronomy and to identify which of its properties are unique and normal, to predict what its fate may someday be," astronomer TalaWanda Monroe, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of San Paulo in Brazil, wrote in an email to Discovery News.